Q. How many people complain about the noise children make?
Q1. How many people complain about the noise children make?
A1. I would like to summarize the results of a survey conducted by a nursery school to find out how many people actually consider children to be noisy. The survey was open from November 5 to November 30, 2014; and 720 people responded to it.
Q2. How can you talk to the parents of children who make noise?
A2. I would like to suggest how to talk to parents of children, if you are extremely bothered by the sounds child makes.
First, when talking with the parents of a children who make a lot of noise, I think it is important to treat them with empathy and understanding toward them. It is also a good idea to try to choose a friendly, non-confrontational setting in which to talk with each other. For example, it may be effective to casually greet each other when you pass by and show that you have no bad intentions. Calmly communicate how noise affects you, while at the same time acknowledging that children making noise is a natural part of their lives. You may want to suggest solutions to maintain balance, such as designating times of day or play areas. Speaking in a caring tone of voice may lead to a positive and constructive dialogue with parents.
If you feel that the person is not responding well to these approaches, you should use the help of a custodian, the law, or other resources.
Published by Galina
References and sources:
・https://magokoro-hoikuen.com/cam/kekka201411/index.html まごころ保育園, Nursery school Magokoro, publidhed in 2014, accessed in July 20
・https://www.n-daiichi-law.gr.jp/contents/information/8389 一新総合法律事務所, Issin Partners, published in 2021 March 8, accesed in July 20
The results of that survey were very interesting and I'm glad you were able to find it. Since the survey was conducted about a decade ago, I wonder how the results might be different if the same questions were asked today? What do you think. Your suggestions for how to talk to the parents of children who make noise sound sensible and compassionate.
ReplyDeleteThank you for a comment! I personally suspect that people's actual opinions haven't changed much from a decade ago. Maybe the public trend has made it more difficult to publicly say that children's voices are annoying for them than before, but I don't think the number of people who have negative opinions in their minds has decreased because the number of elderly and adults without children has rather increased over the past ten years.
DeleteThe results of the survey was surprising to me. This is because more than half of the people thought that the sound children makes werent considered as a noise. This depends on the environmet I think. I grew up in a masive school and they were really noisy. The information was organized and you posted the graphs which made it a lot easier to understand