Drafts of the Research Questions

At the beginning of the semester, we were told to make 30 research questions to answer about the controversial issue we would research about in our blog. 
Here are the drafts of the research questions. We chose 30 from this list to answer. 

Questions made by Rina
1. How does noise pollution caused by children affect the overall quality of life in a neighborhood?
2. What are some common sources of noise pollution caused by children?
3. How can excessive noise from children impact the mental and physical health of individuals in the community?
4. What are some effective ways to educate children about the importance of minimizing noise pollution?
5. Should there be specific guidelines or regulations in place to address noise pollution caused by children?
6. How can parents balance allowing their children to be active and playful while also being considerate of noise levels?
7. What strategies can be implemented to create a harmonious coexistence between families with children and other members of the community?
8. Are there specific times of day when noise pollution caused by children is more tolerable than others?
9. What are some constructive ways for neighbors to address noise concerns with parents without causing conflict?
10. How does noise pollution caused by children impact the ability to concentrate and perform tasks at home or in a work environment?
11. Should schools and childcare facilities have guidelines in place to manage noise pollution caused by children during school hours?
12. How can urban planning and architecture contribute to reducing the impact of noise pollution caused by children in residential areas?
13. Are there any technological advancements or innovations that can help mitigate noise pollution caused by children?
14. How does noise pollution caused by children affect the overall sense of community and social interaction within a neighborhood?
15. What role should local authorities or community organizations play in addressing noise pollution caused by children?
16. How can parents encourage their children to engage in quieter activities that are still enjoyable and stimulating?
17. Are there any cultural or societal factors that contribute to noise pollution caused by children?
18. Should parents be legally responsible for ensuring that their children do not create excessive noise pollution?
19. What are some alternative recreational or play options that can help reduce noise pollution caused by children?
20. How can noise pollution caused by children be minimized in multi-unit housing complexes or apartment buildings?
21. How does noise pollution caused by children impact the sleep patterns and overall well-being of individuals in the community?
22. Are there any specific health risks associated with prolonged exposure to noise pollution caused by children?
23. Should there be designated areas or spaces within neighborhoods where children can engage in activities without causing noise disturbances?
24. How can schools and parents work together to educate children about the importance of respecting noise levels in different environments?
25. Is there a correlation between noise pollution caused by children and increased stress levels in the community?
26. How can communities promote a culture of mindfulness and consideration regarding noise pollution caused by children?
27. Should noise pollution caused by children be treated differently in residential areas compared to public spaces?
28. How can technology be leveraged to monitor and manage noise pollution caused by children in a non-invasive manner?
29. What are the long-term effects of noise pollution caused by children on property values and the desirability of a neighborhood?
30. How can communities foster open and constructive dialogue to address concerns and find solutions related to noise pollution caused by children?
Questions made by Galina
1. How many people complain about the noise their children make?
2. Why do Japanese tend to be sensitive to noise from children?
3. How does noise affect people's health?
4. What is the government's view of the noise made by children?
5. Does the Japanese government have a law on noise pollution?
6. What kind of thoughts do people have about children's voices being considered noise?
7. What kind of thoughts do people in neighborhood have?
8. What kind of thoughts do parents with children express?
9. Have they ever had a trial regarding children's noise in Japan?
10. If so, what was the judgement of the trial?
11. Is there any organization that works on noise made by children?
12. How can you talk to the parents of children who make noise?
13. What should we do if my neighbor with noisy children moves in?
14. Is there any way that people can understand each other?
15. Can we file a lawsuit against parents with noisy children if we are diagnosed with health damage caused by their noise?
16. In this case, what is the maximum age to be considered as a child?
17. Is there any possibility that the noise made by children will have a negative impact on society?
18. How much responsibility should parents have for noisy children?
19. If there is only one resident complaining of noise, how can you determine whether a child is really making noise?
20. What is the probability that residents themselves who overreact to sound have some kind of problem?
21. Is there any way to soften the sound that a child makes?
22. What happens to the child's parents if the noise complaint resident wins the trial?
23. If noise forces residents to move, will someone bear the cost?


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